Fireweed Nutrition is a place where being connected, kind and free to trust your body defines true healing.
Hi there, I’m Charlene (she/her)
I am a trauma-informed Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and Certified Body Trust® Provider.
Nutritional Counseling Services
Eating Disorders & Disordered Eating
I specialize in helping individuals recover from eating disorders, disordered eating, and the harmful effects of chronic dieting. Eating disorders are complex and can develop to help us cope and survive in a body-oppressive world. Even though eating disorders have one of the highest mortality rates of any mental illness, we're bombarded daily with messages from diet culture that perpetuate body shame and a preoccupation with the thin ideal.
Intuitive Eating
Intuitive eating is a self-care approach to nutrition, health, and well-being that helps people make decisions based on their bodies' inner wisdom and move beyond diet culture. Created by two Registered Dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, in 1995, Intuitive Eating helps you cultivate and honor your hunger and fullness cues, and truly enjoy food again. Listening to your body's inner cues and not obsessing about food is possible! By building small acts of trust, we will practice breaking the cycle of chronic dieting and transform your relationship with food.
Weight-Inclusive Medical Nutrition Therapy
With a focus on personalized nutrition education and a Health at Every Size (HAES) approach, I have experience in a range of areas, including prediabetes, diabetes, binge eating, emotional eating, women's health, life transitions, and more.
Empowering you to create a sustainable space where you are free to explore what your body truly craves without food or diet rules.